Sunday, 24 February 2013

Week 3

Where to begin? That is a good question. I might lose time of track and how long we've been here. We've been to a lot of beaches in the weekend and this is losing it's appeal going there. Not forgetting, it is a small island not much to do expect go the beach and few bars.
We usual go the Lucky Horse shoe near Warrens, after session on a Saturday to watch a Arsenal play. Air condition, which is nice. they have TV screen nearly everywhere in the restaurant.

Monday we had St.George, Princess Margaret and Polytechnic. St. George school we domes and dishes, testing their speed and working us a team. It working for a while, until few wanted to cheat because they weren't winning. Then, after doing a activity we move on to a match.

For Princess Margaret, I did the warm up 'bull dog', the children now were having fun and fond of the idea of chasing someone.

With the Polytechnic boys, they were a little bit older, because we usual teach secondary and primary school. No matter what, we went ahead with session. Maybe we had doubts it possibly be childish warm up. But, I didn't care because I would want them to have fun instead worry about they their ability. These boys were good in terms of their abilities.

Domes and Dishes in St. George
Warm up 'bull dog' in Princess Margaret
Volley, laces and inside techniques in Polytechnic
Tuesday was Deighton Griffith, Princess Margaret and Providence. Warm up was 'bull dog' and we slipt the groups into twos. In Princess Margaret it was eliminate day for the children doing trail out for their athletic team. So, we didn't have a session. In Providence, we slipt the groups into two, I did the chasing the bib and adding the ball for more difficulty.

Deighton Griffith, doing 'bull dog' warm up
Eliminate day, track and field 

Providence, my session chasing the bib with the ball
Wednesday the schools were Christ church and Polytechnic. With Christ church their were three groups. Two of them come to mixed group and the last one was girls only. all three groups were good, but, you always get one or two difficult people. It was pleasant teaching them and they understood the concept. Having the Polytechnic in the afternoon does take it toll. But, they are great bunch of lads. I did the warm up of 'bull dog' and followed by boxes.

Christ Church warm up 'Bull Dog'


Boxes game
Thursday, Princess Margaret we were doing a double club and the first group there was only four people in the class. We had few other people in the class and they was not mend to be there but they were happy to be there and missing there lesson. During the outside session, more of children came, but they didn't want to come to the literacy. so, we had to be harsh to them and not let them  participate, they can only watch. Springer memorial had sport day, so that session was cancelled. The final session of the day was in Providence, they were happy to do warm up and follow instructions.

Princess Margaret, playing 'Wembley'

'bull dog' in Providence
Friday and Saturday

Princess Magaret we were teaching 11 to 12 years old, the children listened well and followed most commands. Again, things had to be repeated for them to understand. Community College had better understanding of the techniques and session. Codrington was cancelled because they had for two weeks off. Plus, going to 'Alma Parris Memorial' saturday is little bit longer than our normal journey.

Community College, 'Wembley'

Player occasion and asking the boys to name a player.
Alma Parris Memorial

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Week Two

I know I haven't been writing for weeks.  We did have some cancellations, because there were some schools and colleges didn't get the schedule ready or they just wanted us to train their team, which is not permitted in the Brewster Trust.

Nearly, every week we would have top up $140 Bajan dollars for petrol, that about £47. But, we would be reimbursed. Nothing cheap on this Island! If you buy Bajan branded things it would help with your budget. Once in a while, you would want the things that you would like.

The family that we're living with, are generous of giving us breakfast and dinner everyday which, gives us lighter load of buying stuffs. However, their portion of size is massive!

It was the first time this week; we have been to St George Secondary School. We were given two sets of groups. The first group is fine. Responded well with the task, which I've asked them to do,  'Arsenal vs Spurs'. Instead of having 'Spurs', I gave them a opposition for the children; what team they wanted to be on the opposite side of Arsenal. They were all shouting out different number of teams like, Man untied, Chelsea and Barcelona. Further more, how would I come to this decision by choosing the nearest person that was shouting the loudest.
Every time I gave them words to response, e.g '180' turn, they would jump and turn the other directions. Asking them to name a player that head the ball well? Someone came with Messi. I didn't know Messi could jump and head the ball 5 feet from the ground.
Some of children are slow to think, but the eventual they got the idea. I always had to repeat what I said because they might have forgotten it after a couple of seconds. Tip is, make them say it out loud as well.
Teaching the girls in Princess Margaret, one girl decide to stare look at the her class mate
Domes and Dishes game in Deighton Griffith Secondary School. Kid running with the cone on the head
Christ Church, the first group Domes and Dishes
You can see there is pattern going on during the weeks. We have same task for each of the schools, but we tend to change it, every now and again.

Springer Memorial school  
Providence Secondary school, I was teaching to play handball. But, it was alternative version, mainly non-contact.
I did make a few mistakes, but I did readjusted myself and these children, were more understanding and they worked very well together.
In 'Codrington school'  the warm up I did was bulldog. the kids was loving it. Trying to go pass some of their class mates
Saturday School in Alma Parris Memorial. The kids wanted learn, from this photo they look like they don't want to do anything. I think they were told to stop.