Sunday, 31 March 2013

Week 10

Now schools are getting close to Easter Holidays, there was a few cancellation. Some of private school did close early for the holidays.

More of our sessions was based on having full matches and giving the children a reward, some of kids deserve full matches and a few didn't really appreciate the gesture. as always we continue what we ment to do.

Christ Church playing Tennis Football. Some of the girls I had to explain in different way, volley with your feet.
Princess Margaret last session with my favorite group in this school

Princess Margaret Kids on a Tuesday
As sessions were getting better during the week, we organize a match against two team that we trained in last 10 weeks or so. Hopefully, that be great to watch.

During this week, we got a presentation from Princess Margaret school and received a pennant, which was pretty cool; plus speech to go with it. Love it! It was without a doubt, brillant.

During the weekend, we went 'Fish Festival', in Oistins.Treated Russ to meal, the food was great and deal we got for the food was even better. On the next day, we went on catamaran trip to see fish and sea turtles. The sea turtles were amazing, to see it up close was breath taking. Snorkeling was really great.  

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Week 9

It was not a bad week. We were doing 'Be a Gunner, Be a Runner' campaign this week. Which was a interesting week, wondering what the children reaction doing the run. I think they more regard to the video because it going to be recorded and maybe on the Arsenal site. I did have fun videoing the run and begin part of the work. But, I will never forget the smile on some of the children faces. Asking them to do the 'Queens wave', hilarious to see.

Christ Church handing out number sheets

Begin of the race
We did this schedule pretty much in all schools. Will definitely miss all the schools I've been too, including the saturday group.  

On the weekend we went to Harrison cave, I've never seen limestones in caves before. It was short trip, thanks to Edward who help out in the saturday session, got us in for free in the cave. Thank Edward!

Limestones in the Harrison Cave

Edward's Family, Jamie, Dana and Niall

Week 8

It getting closer to the end. The head of the Brewster Trust decided to add a school in last few weeks. I think it was pointless, because the children wouldn't know our names and we wouldn't know their either. It would take time to build a foundation with the children, plus they need to create a trust for them.

Getting to the school it was fine, because a coach called 'Russel' guided us to the school. (St.Leonards). To make life more difficult this school was just the edge of 'Bridgetown'. Driving up and down the island is not healthy, plus it was long travel.
When we got there, we didn't have much time to pick up for lunch or time to eat. But, the kids were helpful and the were excited to do the work out.

St. Leonards, we did have two groups. Each session was one hour.
What surprised me was some of the kids were more than competent and they listened straight away. Including techniques in the sessions.
Doing heading session with the polytechnic college. Loving it!
Each week it seen that were losing players, because their season of football is started and the session becomes shorter and players still want to play. Even if it just about four players.

At the weekend, after the saturday session we headed to Bridgetown, I bought a few gift for family and friends. In the evening we were getting bored. So we emphatic to stay at home and experiment on waxing my back. That was a bad idea! Painful like no other pain. Never again. Forty strips! What was I thinking? The boys had no mercy, what so ever, plus they had a few drinks as well.

Raphael house for a Sunday Lunch. Playing dominos
We were invited to Raphael house, one of the host people who were looking after Jamie. The presentation of their food and cutlers were amazing. Loved the food! I wish we could have it every sunday. To top it up, dessert was cheese cake and ice cream, Top notch!

Week 7

Okay, now it seen the same as last week, expect we took a detour on a saturday after session. We headed to St.Philips, where there were dazing views from the cliffs and the ocean. Driving up here we did see some Green Monkeys, they were massive animal. Almost coming to half of my high. It shame I didn't get any pictures of them, they were just to quick!

Although, all these scenes are spectacle, there was something missing. The night life of barbados, was mainly during the weekdays, throughout the weekend; it wasn't that great because people tend recovering from the night before and they are with their families.

On sundays, we usual go to beach, which is okay. But for myself it wasn't getting a bit boring and dull. Despite the fact it was brilliant at first couple of weeks, it was losing it's appeal.

Teaching the alternate of hand ball, it was a successful, beside there were downfalls. I would have to explain it a little bit more for the younger secondary students, unlike for the college students, they really grassed the game quite well, plus I didn't have to break down for them.

St. George

Springer Memorial

Barbados Community College


Friday, 15 March 2013

week 6

As you can see, it becoming to familiar. We begin our session in morning at 9am then finish around 4:30pm for school and for colleges around 6pm. Travelling through three different schools and colleges a day, is taking a lot effect on us. Especial, in the heat when the sun is at its highest around 1pm. I've notice that everyday the weather has been changing and it getting warmer by the week.

I will talk about the children in barbados, were they wear bandana in the heat, which has American flags on them. They are heavy influence by America, and some have their accent.  Driving in Barbados is good sometimes, it helps that they drive on the left side. At least they were using the common sense. But the engineering who decided to place markings on road puts it in odd places for the zebra crossing. When your on a roundabout, when you are just about to turn into a junction, there is zebra crossing. What were they thinking! Most Bajan who drive here, have a different approach to the road. No one hardly use their indicators, they do harsh breaking, no ridiculous breaking! Everything unpredictable.

You might want to know Bajan word term for football,
Goal Post - 'Goal bars'
A match - 'Scrimmage'
Flip flap- 'Spanner'
Cruyff turn- 'Chris cross' or 'The lock' I really don't understand that.
Relaxing around 'liming'
Kick ups they wouldn't understand the term, 'juggling'

This week their have been two fights. One from Princess Margaret, which wasn't a surprise, most of the kids in this session has issues and embody with behaviour problems. The other one was out of the blue, 'Community College'. As we were doing a session, five minutes left to the match(scrimmage); a teacher wanted us to acquaint a staff member of the college. This staff member rambling about his days as a footballer. In the process he was insulting a student of mine and cursing at the student. Then it escalated out of no where. Both student and teacher about to have a fist fight, we had help with other students on the campus restrain the teacher and student. Packing the equipments, my back turned away, the teacher pick up a stone or brick size of a football and the student defeating himself with a metal pipe. Crazy week!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

week 4 and week 5

We came to a time, were it was election month. So, travelling to schools and colleges; we were hearing on the radio about the BLP(Barbados Labour Party and DLP (Democrat Labour Party)  groups. The reason that I remember this, because there were songs on the radio, they were singing about the their election parties which was a little bit strange, the fact someone did that back home would be unusual; you wouldn't get David Cameron promoting for the conservative party by making up tunes. Some of the tune were quite catchy to recall.  We are bombarded with the election consistently on TV advertisements and the Radio.

During the weekend we have gone to Holetown festival and saw the parade. It wasn't anything special, but I was amazed with horse riding account of horse riding to be synchronised well. We were all feeling peckish. If they weren't feeling hungry, I was definitely sensing my taste buds; I'm person who would like to try something new everyday. So, I gave it shot by trying their famous 'pigtail'. It tasted like pork rib, but it was satisfying. I did have doubts, if it was the real deal. Then we headed to 'Tiki Hut' to get our drinks. Two of us was drinking and the unlucky other two weren't. (I wasn't drinking). Well, I made the best of it. Going into the 'Tiki Hut' the bar tender help us get into the 'Priva' Club. The club was okay, the dance floor was corridor and lounge area was filled with nude pictures and comfortable seats.
Throughout the night we did lose someone, it took three of us about half an hour to find the person. We searched up and down the club, even went to the nearest beach near their, someone else told us that this person went to the petrol station. Still couldn't find this person, went to the car parked, wasn't there. Finally, we found the person by covering ground and we had assist from the bartenders. This individual was in the club after all. Apparently, the person decided to wonder off to they their own thing.

All the while this week, teaching the children the warm up 'bull dog', chasing the bib and few other more. I realised that I had to bring up new ideas every week. I couldn't use the same warm every week. Some of older students, I would have to adapt to their method of warm up. Stretching is important for the older one. But, still add the element of having fun for groups and ages.

'bull dog' St George first group

'Chasing the bib' Deighton Griffith Second group

'Chase the bibs', adding the ball as difficulty

Christ Church Foundation, 'Chasing the bibs' they were having a lot of have in this warm up  

'Foundation' paired up and doing drilling session

Community College 'Bull dogs'

While they were waiting for their class mates, I taught them how play seven. 'Princess Margaret'

Session of 'Boxes'

St.George getting them do 'chest pass' making sure they were aware who they were passing to. 

Now moving on to week five, It was my turn to take the weekend and relax. Plain and simple, I don't remember much of the night. But, I'm reminded in the next few days. Let's leave it like that.
Election were over and DLP (Democrat Labour Party) won again, usual there is a Bank Holiday, but the same party won, so it isn't a big deal.

This week we were teaching the children how do passing from different lengths

'Chasing the bib' St.George

Penalty was taken roughly halfway line without no keeper 
Polytechnic, 'chasing the Bib'
Using the tracks that they laid out. passing the ball up an down.
playing 'stuck in the mud' Deighton Griffith
Two vs Two
Football cricket at 'Providence elementary school'
Football Cricket in 'Christ Church Foundation'

Passing through the gate. children didn't understand 'the gate' so we changed it to through 'the Gap'
The girls session in 'Foundation' 

Took a detour and saw man building Jewllery

Princess Margaret

Codrington Primary school, variety of ages

Community College, I have no idea what was happening here

Alma Parris, teaching the children through the gate.